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Crochet Butterfly Rattle Amigurumi Free Pattern

    Hello dear amigurumi followers, we add a new one to the free amigurumi pattern. You can always follow us to reach the newest, most popular, most accurate pattern. Here is Crochet Butterfly Rattle;

    Designer: yarnart12


    • Himalaya Dolphin Baby yarn – main color (about half a skein):
    • Himalaya Dolphin Baby yarn – additional color for wings (less than half a skein);
    • Yarn for embroidery of eyebrows and nose;
    • Hook No 4 or No 4.5; – a rattle for a rattle (you can buy a ready-made rattle, or you can make it yourself, for example, use a plastic egg from a kinder and put beads in it);
    • Filler
    • Eyes with a diameter of 0.9 – 10 mm;
    • A needle for sewing wings; – scissors


    Ch– Chain
    MR– Magic ring
    Sc– Single crochet
    Sl st– Slip stitch
    Inc– Increase
    Dec– Decrease


    Rnd 1. 7sc in MR
    Rnd 2. 7sc
    Rnd 3. dec, 5sc (6)
    Rnd 4-5. 6sc
    Rnd 6. 5 sc
    Fold the part in half and crochet 3sc.
    Cut the thread, fasten and hide in the handle.


    Rnd 1. 4 ch
    Rnd 2. in the second loop from the hook inc, 1sc, in the extreme loop inc from 3sc, 2sc (8)
    Change color
    Rnd 3. behind the back wall 8sc
    Rnd 4. Зsc, dec from 3 loops, 2sc (6)
    Rnd 5. Зsc, dec, sc (5)
    Rnd 6-7. 5sc
    Fold the part in half and crochet 2 sc.
    Cut the thread, fasten and hide in the leg.

    Wings- Top (Make 2)

    Rnd 1. 6sc in MR
    Rnd 2. бinc (12)
    Rnd 3. (1sc, inc)*6 (18)
    Rnd 4-5. 18sc
    Cut the thread and fasten off.

    Lower part (Make 2)

    Rnd 1. 6sc
    Rnd 2. 6inc (12)
    Rnd 3-4. 12sc
    We do not cut the thread.
    We continue to crochet the wing by connecting the lower part with the upper sl st. We continue to crochet in a circle:
    Rnd 1. (4sc, dec)*3, (2sc, dec)*3, 1sc (25)
    Rnd 2. (3sc, dec)*5 (20)
    Rnd 3. (2sc, dec)*5 (15)
    Rnd 4. (3sc, dec)*3 (12)
    Rnd 5. 5sc
    Fold the part in half and crochet 6sc.
    Cut the thread to a length of 20-25 cm and fasten.
    With the remaining thread, we will sew the wings to the body.


    Rnd 1. 6sc in MR
    Rnd 2. 6-inc (12)
    Rnd 3. (1sc, inc)*6 (18)
    Rnd 4. (2sc, inc)*6 (24)
    Rnd 5. 5sc, Зsc with leg, 6sc, 3sc with leg, 7sc (24)
    Rnd 6. 24sc
    Rnd 7. (2sc, dec)*6 (18) Insert a rattle, fill the body and continue crocheting.
    Rnd 8-11. 18sc
    Rnd 12. (1sc, dec)*6 (12)
    Rnd 13. Зsc, 3sc with hand, 2sc, Зsc with hand, 1sc (12)


    We continue to crochet the head
    Rnd 14. (1sc, inc)*6 (18)
    Rnd 15. (2sc, inc)*6 (24)
    Rnd 16. (5sc, inc)*4 (28)
    Rnd 17-19. 28sc
    Rnd 20. (5sc, dec)*4 (24)
    Rnd 21. (2sc, dec)*6 (18)
    Rnd 22. (1sc, dec)*6 (12)
    Rnd 23. 6-dec (6)
    Cut the thread and fasten off.
    Pull the hole and hide the thread in the head.

    Antens (Make 2)

    4ch. Sew to the head.
    Make eye tightening. Eyes between 18th and 19th rows.
    Between the eyes 4 loops. After tightening, sew on the eyes.
    Embroider nose and eyebrows.
    Sew the wings to the body.

    Finish Amigurumi Crochet Butterfly Rattle.

    More Amigurumi Ideas;

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